The holiday season can be stressful at the best of times, but when you have a newborn that stress is just magnified. Among all of the regular holiday stress, you also have to deal with “Baby’s First Christmas!” Here are my top tips for making your holiday season with a newborn a less stressful time.
Baby’s First Christmas
When our first child was born, we made the decision to make our little family the priority at holidays – especially for the first year. And we stuck to that for every baby. If our family wanted to see us on any holiday during that first year, they had to come to us. Our family was very understanding of our decision and we spent many lovely holidays just as our little family. I do not regret that decision for one minute and I highly recommend any family with a new baby to consider the benefits that doing so may bring them.
Maybe that’s not something you can do. Maybe your family has huge family functions every holiday. Maybe someone is sick and this may be their last holiday. Maybe you find a lot of joy in attending big family events. But whether you can or not, there are some things you can do to make the holiday season a little less stressful.

Top Tips to Make Baby’s First Christmas Less Stressful
Learn to say no.
Cut corners in the kitchen.
Shop online.
Be strategic.
Ask for help.

Above all, remember that the holiday season is about family and love. And right now, your little family needs to be nourished in a way that it will help support it for years and years to come. Do not feel guilty for putting it first! Yes, your baby’s first Christmas is exciting, but it’s okay for it to be small and quiet. And if you do find yourself at a large family function and are feeling overwhelmed, your new baby makes a great excuse to slip away to renew and refresh! Don’t feel guilty for using them as an excuse!
Love Sarah XOXO