
29 posts

west kootenay postpartum doula

Bad Moments Don’t Make Bad Parents

Being a good parent doesn’t mean that you don’t have bad moments. We all do. We are all human. This is an excerpt from my personal blog that I wrote back when I was pregnant with my youngest and struggling with my toddler. And just a reminder to those of you who know a parent, remember that photos are just a moment in time. If a parent tells you they’re struggling, but their Instagram and Facebook feeds look otherwise – believe them.

west kootenay postpartum doula

Make the Call

A phone call. An anxious voice reaching out, finally admitting that it’s time to ask for help. A racing heartbeat as that voice whispers the words “mental health issues” to the listening ear on the other end. Embarrassed. As if it’s something to be shameful about. As if a broken […]

west kootenay postpartum doula

Larger Families Need Support Too

Just because you have done it before doesn’t mean that you have it all together. You may have done it before, but you’ve never done it before with this new baby or with this amount of kids. You deserve help too.